We receive a ton of email across the Grain-waves and occasionally some of them make us believe even more in what we're doing and why. Here's a glimpse of some of the email comments we've been receiving lately from happy Home Grown Kit builders and Grain board riders.
From Jodie, after purchasing and receiving some Grain Gift Certificates for her husband: "When he paddles out and - he is in his element. He is at peace. I get it because we share an affinity for the ocean. Smiles were brighter, colors were more vivid, food tasted better, the sunset went slower - life was good, he loved himself more therefore he loved me more. Today, I go to my best friends house to get my mom's order, from you to my husband. I open the package and fell head over heels in love with these wood certificates! I LOVE THEM! I love the concept. I love the creativity. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!~ I AM IMPRESSED! I NEEDED to let you know what my husband would be putting into a board that he will create because of you. I wanted you to know how meaningful surfing is to him and to my family. I wanted to thank you. I knew you would 'get it'. Peace- Jodie"
From Tim, to Grain builder, Randy Gaetano as he was finishing up Tim's custom board: "I've been in the water 27 years now and love it. I tend to do the dawn patrol with the sun coming up. Clean waist to head high for the rest of my life would be fine with me. Still like a big day when its clean, guess I'm getting older. I grew up and worked in Concrete restoration & preventative Maintenance, repairing concrete, coating warehouse floors with epoxy, waterproofing parking decks with urethane systems. Married with two daughter, count my blessings for all I have every night. The Grain board was to celebrate twenty years of life as I was almost wiped out in a construction accident tweny years ago. Given last rites twice that night. Now you know why I'm so thankful. We vacationed up your way in August and stoped by to see your shop, cool tour with Mike, Brad & Gretchen. Mike loaned me a ten footer, loved it. Time slowed down on those rides, so cool! Your the captain of this ship, look forward to hearing how its going. Thanks, Tim"
From Chris, to Mari: "WOW!!! I checked out the Grain site and I'm totally SOLD!! I am definitely going to buy a kit and build my own board. I'm so excited I'm shaking!! Doubly the company is incredible, something I can really get behind. I'm going to send this link to all of my surfer friends for sure. I'm ridiculously excited, I might order the kit next week!! I can't wait to start construction!! Take it easy and take care, Chris"
From Thomas, upon finishing his new Home Grown Surfboard Kit: "Hey Mike, Finished my board this weekend. For a first attempt it came out pretty well, very slight twist in the tail. If I built a few hundred more of them I'd say I could get pretty good at it. :-) I've been trying to talk a few friends in to surfing the darn thing, but they are afraid that it looks too good and they don't want to break it. I just tell them, like a glass board, that's what it's for surfing it and breaking it. My business partner, Lloyd is supposed to take it out tomorrow at Honolua Bay if the waves are not too big. Good waves here in paradise this winter. At any rate, despite me being a retard and you guys with your less than complete instructions it came out nice. Thanks for making this kits available it was a very pleasant experience building it. Thanks, Thomas. " NOTE: Hey Thomas, we took your advice and our new Kit Manual will be MUCH improved... thanks!
From Alex, Home Grown Kit customer: "First of all, I want to say how impressed I am with your guys' website. I am a teacher and I am in the middle of building my own site, and your website is beautiful and easy to navigate. I went onto the site to browse and I ended up buying, which is exactly what a website should do. I ordered a fish kit from you a few weeks ago and I just got the glue and epoxy today. Do you know when I can expect that box to arrive? Anyway, you guys are doing something awesome and amazingly different in Maine and I am glad to be a part of it. - Alex"
From Jonathan, one of the most inspiring messages we've received: "You can't imagine how excited I am to finally be able to put "Custom Board" in the subject line of an email to you guys! I've been a long time admirer of the beautiful work you do up there, and I am extremely impressed with your focus on sustainability. As a fellow "green-minded" soul (my wife and I are about to move into a custom-built, green, sustainable, home that is 15 minutes from some great breaks here in Jersey) it's awesome to see that there are others out there dedicated to green ideals. Yesterday, for my birthday, my generous, lovely, thoughtful wife said, "Honey, I think it's time you got that Grain board." Sweeter words have never been spoken. That said, I would love to talk about getting a variation of your Root Longboard. I am tremendously excited about working with you guys on this board. I can't wait to take it out for the first time, and my wife and I are toying with making a trip up there to pick it up. I figure it would be rather appropriate if the first water it touched was Maine sea. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you. Jon"